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  • Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

Cloud Observer Key Benefits

Cloud Observer’s single viewpoint visibility over assets across all clouds helps cost optimization, risk control and operational efficiency. 

Accurate Knowledge of Your Cloud Assets

Immediate access to information on cloud-provisioned resources for audit and reporting purpose

Cost Optimization

Reduce operating expenses by monitoring the state of cloud instances and identifying unused ones

Operational Efficiency

Facilitate your daily operations and streamline your automation processes through use of secure APIs

Simplified Management

Unify and standardize information about Cloud instances across multiple Clouds

Better Risk Management and Compliance

Track and locate instances across clouds to identify suspicious activity and usage

Ensuring an accurate view of cloud resources is being hindered by time-consuming tasks and lack of uniformity,  complexifying both management of instances and control of costs.


EfficientIP Cloud Observer equips your IT teams such as NetSecOps and ITOps with a powerful, easy-to-use and secure discovery tool to view, track, and consolidate information on any provisioned cloud resources and networks. The information is presented via a central, unified network management interface or open APIs, allowing for automation and delegation of basic operations.

Cloud Observer automatically discovers cloud-provisioned resources including network properties in all your cloud environments. It also takes care of keeping the data up-to-date and accurate. 


The solution covers multiple cloud providers such as Amazon AWS, Google GCP and Microsoft Azure, as well as VMware vCenter, and it also offers a customizable external plugin. Aggregating the information from all cloud providers brings an efficient way to organize your data and have it at your fingertips.

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Cloud Observer: Comprehensive Product Overview Video

Discover the robust features of EfficientIP Cloud Observer, designed to empower your IT teams, including NetSecOps and ITOps. This powerful, easy-to-use, and secure discovery tool provides unparalleled visibility, allowing you to effortlessly view, track, and consolidate information on all provisioned cloud resources and networks.


Topics Covered:

  • Overview of *EfficientIP Cloud Observer*
  • Features and Capabilities
  • User Interface and Experience
  • Security Measures and Compliance
  • Use Cases and Applications

From a single pane of glass, you’ll get a consolidated view and insights on assets across all your clouds, helping simplify daily operations and increase overall efficiency. 


The unified management interface enables IT personnel to immediately identify state, changes over time, and characteristics such as name, IP/MAC address, CPU, operating system, memory, storage, and tags or labels as provided by cloud providers. You can easily detect and reclaim any unused resources. Controlling your costs and capacity needs becomes far easier!

The solution comes integrated with the SOLIDserver™ DDI solution and Network Object Manager. The cloud instances’ information of Cloud Observer can be used to fuel reconciliation with the trusted data  stored in Network Object Manager, thanks to open APIs.

Valuable statistics and analytics on resources and their usage are also provided for improved risk management and compliance. Cloud Observer allows you to pick and choose information to display in reports, offering rich ways to export the data in various formats.

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Cloud Observer: Comprehensive Product Demo Video

Discover the power of cost optimization in the cloud with EfficientIP’s innovative solution, Cloud Observer. As companies navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cloud usage, the imperative to reduce costs has never been more critical. Cloud Observer emerges as a game-changing tool, offering a holistic and unified perspective across all cloud assets.